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Dictionary Spanish English: [from]

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

etno. geogr. anglo {adj}Anglian [relating to Angles; of or from East Anglia]
de regreso {adv}back [from somewhere]
proveniente de {conj} [que viene de; que deriva de]from [be coming from; be derived from]
biol. endogámico {adj}inbred [from sex between relatives]
setentero {adj} [col.]seventies [coll.] [of fashion etc.: from the 1970s]
de ahí {adv}thence [from there]
to quit [coll.] [resign from job]
achicar algoto bail sth. [water from boat]
encogerse [retraerse]to cringe [from fear or shame]
mil. desertar [abandonar puesto]to desert [from the military]
desahuciar a algn [de una vivienda]to evict sb. [from a dwelling]
encogerse de algo [miedo, dolor]to flinch [from fear, pain]
privarse de algoto forego sth. [abstain from]
privarse de algoto forgo sth. [abstain from]
custodiar a-algn/algoto guard sb./sth. [prevent from escaping, protect from attack]
med. recobrarseto recover [from illness]
relevar a algnto relieve sb. [take over from]
hacer salir a algn bruscamente [p. ej. de la cama]to roust sb. [Am.] [e.g. from the bed]
despedir a algnto sack sb. [Br.] [coll.] [dismiss from job]
capear [col.] [fig.]to score [coll.] [fig.] [buy drugs from a dealer]
desviarse [del camino, tema]to stray [from road, topic]
derroca a algnto unseat sb. [fig.] [remove from elected office]
tirar a algn del asientoto unseat sb. [throw from cycle, horse etc.]
TV zapear [col.]to zap [coll.] [from one TV channel to another]
anat. cuello {m}
throat [from exterior]
etno. estadounidense {f}
American [female] [from USA]
armas disparo {m} [de arma]
shot [from a gun]
etno. estadounidense {m}
American [from USA]
tarde {f}
evening [from 6pm to bedtime]
gastr. horchata {f} (de chufa)[traditional Valencian refreshing drink made from tigernuts]
Unverified picotazo {m}bite [from insect etc.]
etno. bretona {f}Breton [female person from Brittany]
etno. bretón {m}Breton [male person from Brittany]
med. chichón {m}bump [swelling from a blow]
encontronazo {m} [col.] [choque, colisión]crash [from collision]
recorte {m} [corte de tijer]cutting [from a magazine etc.]
luz {f} solardaylight [light from sun]
liberación {f}discharge [from prison]
med. alta {f}discharge [release from hospital]
mil. licenciamiento {m}discharge [release from military duty]
desahucio {m} [de una vivienda]eviction [from a dwelling]
gastr. gazpacho {m}gazpacho [cold soup from tomatoes, cucumber and peppers etc.]
edu. egresada {f} [am.]graduate [female] [from a university]
edu. egresado {m} [am.]graduate [from a university]
textil hilo {m} [ropa de cáñamo o lino]linen [textile woven from hemp or flax]
anat. moco {m}mucus [from nose]
etno. noruego {m}Norwegian [person from Norway]
etno. noruega {f}Norwegian [woman from Norway]
perversión {f}perverseness [deviation from morality]
renuncia {f} [de un cargo]resignation [from a post]
respingo {m}start [jump from fright]
Unverified picotazo {m}sting [from insect etc.]
dep. med. flato {m} [dolor abdominal]stitch [pain in side from running]
alquitrán {m}tar [residue from combustion, pitch]
retirada {f} [de acuerdo, de fondos]withdrawal [from agreement, of funds]
dep. abandono {m}withdrawal [from competition]
2 Words: Others
propatronal {adj}pro-management [pej. from a trade-union point of view]
2 Words: Verbs
arropar a-algn/algo [proteger del frío]to cover sb./sth. (up) [to protect from cold]
ahuyentar a-algn/algo [haciendo salir]to flush sb./sth. out [scare, in order that one comes out from a hiding place]
med. recobrarseto get better [from illness]
bajar algoto get sth. down [from upstairs, shelf]
amoratarse [de frio]to turn blue [from cold]
2 Words: Nouns
psico. maníaca-depresiva {f}manic depressive [dated] [female suffering from bipolar disorder]
psico. maníaco-depresivo {m}manic depressive [dated] [male suffering from bipolar disorder]
comerc. prof. quiosquera {f}newspaper seller [female] [from a kiosk]
prof. quiosquero {m}newspaper seller [from a kiosk]
med. labio {m} partidosplit lip [injury from a punch etc.]
orn. salir del cascarón {noun}to hatch [emerge from an egg]
mujer {f} transgénerotransgender woman [from man to woman]
escapada {f} [viaje de fin de semana]weekend break [away from home]
3 Words: Others
de principio a fin {adj}end-to-end [from start to finish]
3 Words: Verbs
gastar algo [desgastar]to wear sth. out / down [from use]
4 Words: Verbs
Unverified estar que reviento [locución] [lleno]to be fit to burst [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [from overeating]
med. amoratarse [de moretones]to turn black and blue [from bruises]
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